学校师资力量雄厚,由前IB国际文凭组织亚太地区国际总裁Nigel Forbes先生担任课程顾问,并由在中国创办国际化学校的IB国际文凭组织资深专家、培训师、授权访问官崔建社先生担任教学科研领导工作。学校来自国内、欧洲、美洲、澳洲等世界各地的教师心无旁骛,潜心国际化教育教学研究。
学校是广东省教育研究院小学阶段唯一一所“国际化课程、小班化教育实验基地”学校,中国内地首批“剑桥学校”,IB PYP世界会员学校。
Our Guiding Principles, ZWIE
We are firmly convinced that
Each student is different
Each student is valuable
Each student has potential for success
Each student can make progress
Each student should be respected
Our Mission Statement, ZWIE
We are committed to creating a learning environment full of participation, respect, reflection and creativity, focusing on exploring and developing the potential, personality and specialty of students and assisting them to become lifelong learners. With this mission statement we are striving to provide a full range of holistic education to students and to fully equip them with the knowledge and skills, and with both distinctive Chinese national identity as well as international mindedness for the 21st century.
◆ 笃行:慎思明辨、知行合一、坚持不懈,不断超越自己。
◆ 尊重:乐于倾听,在相互合作、学习、包容中求同存异,扩展视野。
◆ 成长:勇于尝试、挑战旧俗、不惧失败,在变化及不确定性中成长。
◆ 好奇:渴望学习,从不同角度审视挑战,无畏探索、不断创新。
◆ 责任:敬畏自然,秉持正义,维护尊严,对自己的行动及其后果承担责任。
Our Core Values, ZWIE
Action: To reflect on what I know and to take action thoughtfully. To never give up and to constantly aim to improve myself.
Respect: To listen, cooperate and learn from each other. To be tolerant and willing to expand your knowledge and views.
Growth: To have the courage to meet new challenges and the confidence to change old customs. To grow without fear of failure of uncertainty.
Curiosity: To be eager to learn and examine issues from different perspectives. To be fearless when exploring or innovating.
Responsibility: To be respectful of nature. To act with a sense of justice and dignity towards others. To take responsibility for my own actions and consequences.
Concept and Philosophy of GIA
The GOALS of the GIA are to INPIRE, CHANGE, and SERVE.
The values of the GIA are: Dignity, Honor, Respect, and Integrity.
The GIA produces Seekers of Knowledge, Affirmers of Values, and Changers of the World.
Guangzhou International Primary School Huangpu(GIPSH)ZWIE
Founded as a pioneering internationalized school in Guangzhou in as early as 2003, Guangzhou International Primary School Huangpu(GIPSH)ZWIE has been dedicating to integrating the essence of education from both the east and west so as to cultivate lifelong learners good at extensive acquiring and thinking, international communicators proficient in both Chinese and English and future creators with righteous mindedness and cultivated morality.
With no more than 26 students in each class, we are able to accommodate to the needs of each individual student, putting into good practice the personalized and humanized support to the teaching and learning in the classrooms and school environment building.
As the first IPC (International Primary Curriculum, similar to IB PYP) accredited school in South China,we strive by adopting the trans-disciplinary inquiry based teaching and learning, to match or integrate the scope and sequence of the international curriculum and that of the Chinese National Curriculum to ensure our students' solid foundation of basic knowledge and capability, proficient bilingual language skills as well as synthetic ability and comprehensive literacy.
A Professional Faculty with High Calibre, we are fortunate to have Mr. Nigel Forbes, former IBAP senior officer as one of our advisors, Prof. Jason Tsui, currently the General Principal for ZWIE, one of the pioneers setting up international schools in China, also an IB Workshop Leader, and IB School Visitation Team Member as our leader responsible for the pedagogical studies and research. We are also proud to have experienced teachers coming from home and abroad including Europe, America and Australia and so on.
The school has been honored as the only experimental primary school of “Internationalized curriculum ” and “Small-sized class” authorized by Guangdong Academy of Education as well as the first batch “Cambridge International School” in mainland China.
▲国际部:We are internationally minded teachers.
●安保团队: 校园的安全,我们的责任。